dinasday.txt Dina's Day by Eldersign She was tired...eyes burning from cigarette smoke...neck sore from the continuous propping of an insistant phone. She guided the big car through the rush hour traffic like an automaton...thoughts whirling with the events and decisions of the day. As she entered the beachhouse she noticed an envelope on the floor under the seldom used mail slot, and as she picked it up all thoughts of her day disappeared like smoke from a chimney. She drew a nail across the seal and withdrew a single sheet of expensive bond...unsigned, but it never was. That was part of the excitement...never being totally sure that it was him. She began reading...and a familiar shiver went through her. She put a bottle of wine to chill...an excellent year, for she knew the consequences for failure to please. She drew a bath...and luxuriated in mountains of bubbles, taking endless care in cleaning every inch of silken skin to a lovely transparent flush. She styled her hair...each curl placed with exceptional care. She added makeup...just a hint in places, for her skin was very good...and she needed no more color....as she was blushing almost constantly. She dressed...a brief task...panties...a short pleated skirt... white nylon blouse...nylons and black heels. She added jewelry and did her nails. All these things took but half an hour...which was well, for no more had she finished than she heard the door open. She smiled bravely...and tried to look as appealing as possible. He stalked in...looking for all the world like a gladiator now returned from combat. He wore jeans...and a simple pullover shirt, which failed to conceal the muscles beneath. He closed the door, and studied her appearance. He walked a circle around her...she stood frozen...like a bird captured by the gaze of a viper. He raised her skirt casually, and examined the exposed places with easy familiarity. She made no objection to this intrusion. He cupped a breast roughly, and waited to pounce at any reaction. She remained impassive...at what cost only she knew. He went to a closet...and withdrew several lengths of soft nylon rope, which he tucked under an arm. He also found a short, wide leather belt and swished it casually through the air as he closed the closet door and returned to her side. He tied a length of rope around her waist...not tightly, but firm enough to prevent excessive movement. He tied each wrist to another piece of rope...then to the rope at her waist. The slightly bent position of her arms was not painful, but drew the nylon blouse into sharp relief across her breasts...a motion which rubbed her nipples like sandpaper. He took an arm...and led her to the front of the beachhouse. The sands before it were empty...it was November and the crowds had gone south to warmer climes. The sunporch was simply furnished...a studio couch, a small table upon which the wine sat in an ice bucket...accompanied by a glass...and two straight backed chairs or old, solid oak construction. He placed her in front of one of the chairs, back to it....and sat. He poured the wine, and drank appreciatively, a long swallow. He raised her skirt and placed the bunched material in her hands, still restrained at her waist. She was shivering in spite of the warmth of the room. She was frightened...a little...and it was delicious. Once he had whipped her here...just like this...daring her to move or cry out...repeated strokes with that same wide belt across her defenseless bottom...at least a dozen. She had not given in to the tears then...she had remained still and in place...taunting him with her control. The pain had been severe...more than any before or since, but she had won...and he had given her a release which she would remember forever as a prize. He finished the wine...and patted her directly on her cute lacy, panties. He led her to the couch and laid her on her back, tossing her skirt up casually as he did so. Her thighs were lovely...rounded and firm...with a sweet hint of virginality in her pose. He looked for a long moment...then raised the belt. She watched him...trusting but apprehensive...and excited beyond anything she had ever felt. Surely he wouldn't...please God...let him. He brought the belt down in a moderate arc...the stroke landing across the front of her thighs with a sharp sting. He placed two more there...both dangerously near the junction of her thighs...and watched her face. She closed her eyes...and in doing so admitted defeat. The sensations and possibilities were too strong...he would win this time. She would give in...she always did eventually, but he had won quickly because of this different approach. She opened her legs wide...and felt his hands gently slip her panties down her legs. His weight was a welcome sensation...and he made love to her as he always did...generously and thoroughly, spending extra time with every place he knew would stimulate her. When the release finally came she knew that whatever unknown costs there were in it, she was right in letting it go on. Later, as they sipped wine together, he spoke. "I'm getting out of the mail room next week...I got the junior account exec's job..." She would never tell him.